Barbara Richard

Thursday, August 28, 2008

Multi-tasking is becoming a required skill. People are chewing on my heels for "Chasing Ghosts," so I'm full steam ahead on my revisions, while trying to keep up with the political conventions, prepare for Boulder, Billings and Missoula book festivals/conferences, and helping my husband finish out the crab season with enough critters for our crab feed at Thanksgiving. My health club is closed for two weeks for maintenance, so I don't feel that pulling on me (I have my baby trampoline in front of the TV as a substitute.) My herb beds are overgrown, but my tomatoes and apples will demand attention soon. Who ever said retirement means resting?

I've been having strange dreams, of being on a train that runs out of track, and a big old house completely filled with junk and antiques, that requires continuous remodelling. I never make any headway on cleaning it out or remodelling; I just keep discovering new junk. Any analysis, anyone?


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